Place some of the poo you find on your bed outside in a spot you want her to go. The scent will attract her to the spot, and she'll likely remark the spot by eliminating there. When she eliminates outdoors, always praise her so she knows that's what she should be doing. Crate tr...
Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Health and Nutrition Tips The Benefits of Red Light Therapy Presented by Curaleaf Hemp 10 Expert-Backed Ways to Treat Sore Muscles How to Clear Phlegm From Your Throat How Many Steps a Day Help You Lose Weight?
My friend Jeff,a longtime climber and great storyteller, once told me about a time he needed to take a dump while guiding two people up El Capitan. This was a long time ago, back during that moment in time when big-wall climbers considered it “OK” to take “sky dumps” off El Cap...
Location: Thelocation of the litter boxmay be a problem for your cat. If it's near a door or in a part of the house that gets a lot of traffic or that the cat can't easily get to, consider moving it.However, moving the litter box isn't recommended if your cat hasdementia, as ...
Ipurchased a dog from a pet rescue organisation in Sydney just over three months ago and she has been a joy except for the fact that approx 1 week ago she started to defacate each night after she had been put to bed for the night. During the day she is outside a lot because that...
Another possibility is that she has a fracture in her pelvis or legs. She really does need to be seen as soon as possible. When you see the emergency vet, make it very clear that you are on a very limited budget and can only afford what is absolutely necessary. The vet may be ...