“In the morning, when we first wake up,an internal alarm clock goes off in our colon, and the colon starts contracting more vigorously,” says gastroenterologist Sarina Pasricha, MD. “In fact, the colon contracts and squeezes three times as hard in the first hour we are awake compared t...
I went poop this morning. Yay for me! Nobody watched me, but I had fun anyway. Later on while I was taking my shower, I had to a pee a little bit so I let it run down my legs and over my feet, while I rubbed my pussy until I came. Then I took the shower massager and ga...
Dogs are creatures of habit, and they may be used to going potty at certain times of the day. They love their routines. Puppies tend to naturally go potty a few minutes after eating, drinking, playing, or napping. Adult dogs tend to go first thing in the morning, at midday, in the ...
Dr. Ganjhu says it's because caffeine stimulates your bowels. The drug makes your gut contract, which in turn pushes stool toward your rectum. "So it's not uncommon for people to have their morning coffee and then have a poop," Dr. Ganjhu says. This is the best cup of coffee you ...
What might seem like a lot of bowel movements for one person might not be for another. That being said, you should contact a healthcare provider if you notice a stark difference in the amount of times you are pooping lately. A departure from your normal pooping habits should be evaluated....
The bottom line:Pooping more and having diarrhea usually isn't an early sign of pregnancy. Most pregnant women deal with constipation. If you are having diarrhea, check in with your ob-gyn. Mara Santilli Mara is a freelance writer and editor specializing in culture, politics, wellness, and ...
Are Ultra-Processed Foods Making You Age Faster? Eating This Nut At Breakfast Can Boost Brain Power Why You Should Be Taking Vitamin D Why Low Levels Of B12 Are Linked With Dementia Could Blue Light Unlock Better Sleep In Adults? U.S. Measles Outbreak: Everything To Know So Far ...
in the morning kiki woke me up and sophia, kiki and myself went to the diner and ate a lovely breakfast :] band practice came next you all remember that we have shows this week Wednesday - New Age (maybe)Friday - New Age Saturday - Valentines ...
we have a small part pomeranian dog, she old, but not sure how old. she was abandoned by her owners and took in by my grandma, who gave her to us. so we dont have a lot of background on her, but she is old. the other night while crossing the neighbors driveway to get the ...