If your baby’s poop seems watery or is filled with mucus, and they are pooping much more frequently than usual or has other symptoms, like a high temperature (100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or above), this could be diarrhea. See your baby’s healthcare provider if you think your little one mi...
Watery stools with no solid pieces are symptoms of severe diarrhea. Most diarrhea lasts a day or two and then goes away on its own. But if you have this kind of poop or type 6 stool a lot of the time, talk to your doctor. Chronic diarrhea can be a symptom of conditions that cause...
How often you poop probably varies, and each person has their own normal. You may go as often as two to three times per day (basically after each meal) or as little as every other day. However, if you’re going more than four times a day with loose or watery stools, only going a...
When your baby has passed the meconium stage there will be a period of changing stools which are greenish-brownish in color. It is normal for newborn babies to pass poop that looks full of watery substance and mucus. If you are worried, take a soiled diaper to your pediatrician so that ...
Diarrhea:Baby diarrheacan manifest as yellow, brown, or green baby poop with a loose, watery consistency. Viral or bacterial infections, food intolerances, antibiotics, or parasites can cause it. Babies with diarrhea are at risk of dehydration, so make sure to monitor them closely. ...
My baby girl is is 3 months old and has yellow watery diarrhea for the last 2 days she just had her shots is this normal or should I take her to the doctor. Reply Shah Ansari Aug 15 at 2:41 pm My Baby Is 45 Days Old And She Stool After 8 or 9 Days Is This Normal Or Not...
Does My Baby Have Diarrhea? If your baby's poop becomes thin, watery, or streaked with mucus—and they're pooping a lot more often than usual—they probably have diarrhea. Diarrhea can be caused by antibiotics;too much fruit juice(which isn't recommended for babies under 1); milk allergie...
Diarrhea produces overly soft or watery poops and can be dangerous if it persists because it dehydrates and weakens the body. It might also cause your poop to be green. What does it mean when your stomach hurts and your poop is green? The causes of diarrhea and green poop vary, but oft...
Baby poop tends to be soft and even a little runny before a baby starts eating solids, so it can be hard to tell when a baby has mild diarrhea. Look for more frequent bowel movements and watery poop. The poop may be very runny and seep or "explode" out of the diaper. It may be...
watery or bloody diarrhea anemia dehydration weight loss There should be no messing around when your dog comes into contact with contaminated soil or another infected animal. Seek immediate veterinary advice. Your vet will conduct a number of relevant whipworm related tests and prescribe strong enough...