3.poop- slang terms for inside information; "is that the straight dope?" low-down,the skinny,dope details,inside information- true confidential information; "after the trial he gave us the real details" 4.poop- the rear part of a ship ...
Actually, green poop is common in both breastfed and formula-fed babies, but it's more common in formula-fed babies. While breastfed babies tend to have poop that's yellowish (and sometimes slightly greenish), formula-fed babies have poop that's more brown: usually tan, yellow/brown, ...
intransitive verbTo defecate in (one's clothes or bed, for example). nounAn enclosed superstructure at the stern of a ship. nounA poop deck. transitive verbTo break over the stern of (a ship). Used of a wave. transitive verbTo take (a wave) over the stern. ...
Watery and yellow: Watery poop that lasts more than a day may signify an infection. Please be sure to reach out to your baby’s healthcare provider immediately. Watery and green: If your baby’s poop is watery and green, it may likely indicate that your baby has diarrhea, especially if...
That long run has really pooped me out. poop outvi phrasalUS, informal(relax, do nothing)SCSimplified Chinese放松fàng sōng TCTraditional Chinese放鬆 After a long day at work, Brian just poops out. poop outvi phrasalUS, informal(give up)SCSimplified Chinese放弃fàng qì ...
This is a great company. I trust them to take care of the poop problem in my backyard. They come as a set it goes away and I have a yard that you can walk around. People can come visit. Be sure you contact them. Response from the owner:Thanks so much Patty! We appreciate you!
A thinner, more snake-like poop that's smooth and soft is also considered normal under Bristol criteria. Type 5 stool If you're producing soft blobs of poop with clear edges, you're tending toward diarrhea. But you might be surprised to learn that the problem could be eating too little ...
Others, like white, grey, or pale-yellow stools, are good reason for concern. Pale stools can be a sign of biliary atresia – a blockage in the tubes that carry bile from the liver to the gallbladder. Bile is the greenish fluid that helps us digest food and gives poop its brown ...
1,700 years ago, a Chinesealchemistnamed Ge Hong was renowned for his special soup that could curediarrhea-strickenpatients. The stew was deep yellow, and had an intensearoma. And, like many family recipes, it had a ...
Your stool comes in different colors, too. The Bristol stool chart doesn’t include color, but you might have questions about that. Brown The color of your stool depends on a couple of things: your diet and how much bile is in it. Bile is a yellow-green fluid that helps digest fats....