that sort of thing. One day she decided to play a prank on a local boy who was a bit of a thug and not too bright. She arranged poop on a plate and told him it was chocolate. He ate it all. Questioned whether it was really chocolate but didn’t suspect. I can’t remember if...
Prank Calling the Fetish Sex-Line with the Pinky Finger 0:40 51 Quarreling with My Poop About Fibers and Vitamins! 0:35 52 Romantic Drunk Nookie Gambling Game in Long Johns 1:02 53 Shoe Fetish Burnout at the Silly Leggy Boutique
Prank-wise, this fake poop is best to be stepped in, as it matches texture with the real thing closer than a lot of other methods will allow. Community Q&A Question Does the edible version taste good? Community Answer It won't taste bad, provided you don't mind the taste of peanut...