Department of GeographyGSA BulletinTinkler, K. J. (1970) Pools, riffles, and meanders. Geological Society of America Bul- letin, Vol. 81, 547-552.Tinkler, K. J. (1970), Pools, riffles, and meanders, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 81, 547 - 552, doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1970)81[547:...
Pools have been defined as topographic lows along a longitudinal stream profile and riffles are topographic highs. Past research has shown pools and riffles are thefundamental bedforms in meanderingstreams and that channel cross sections in meandering channels exhibit varying degrees of asymmetry that ...
Department of GeographyGSA BulletinRoy, A.G., Abrahams, A.D., 1980. Rhythmic spacing and origins of pools and riffles: discussion. Geological Society of America Bulletin 91, 248-250.Roy, A.G., Abrahams, A.D., 1980. Rhythmic spacing and origin of pools and riffles: Discussion. ...
Additionally, some disturbance processes can also affect the benthic macroinvertebrate communities in both lentic and lotic ecosystems [25]. Riffles and pools are the most common habitat structures in glacier-fed streams. Freezing has different effects on the two habitats. The study of these two ...