2790 2 13:32 App 阈限空间、怪核、梦核、池核 独立游戏 LIMINAL GAME 8.9万 213 02:34 App 【阈限空间】池核 你是感到安心还是压抑? 6.8万 189 15:40 App 池核游戏《 POOLS》全新关卡更新!阈限空间感最强的一关! 197 0 04:31 App 【阈限空间】池核 你做了一个很长的梦 227 0 11:59 App 阈限...
- 欢迎来到 37 层(俗称《Poolrooms》),这是一场心理恐怖体验,让玩家沉浸在阴森恐怖的异世界环境中。 类型: 冒险 , 独立 视角: 第一人称视角 版本: 发行版本 游戏本体 模式: 单人 主题: 动作 ※ 游戏本体和游戏图像的版权归游戏制作方所属...
Anomaly Poolrooms Escape游戏是一款恐怖题材的冒险游戏,玩家必须步步为营,在各个危机四伏的关卡中寻觅出路,巧妙避开那些令人毛骨悚然的怪物袭击。每一次判断与行动都将直接影响到玩家角色的命运,任何错误决策都有可能导致与敌人不期而遇,进而酿成致命后果,阻碍甚至终结这场艰难的求生之旅。
池核游戏手机版在这个密室空间中你将会遇到不同的危险,为了能顺利生存下来,玩家需要应对一系列挑战。写实3d场景营造了极佳代入感,考验你生存能力的时刻到了! 池核手游介绍 《Infinite Poolrooms Escape》是一款以生存为主题的恐怖游戏,将玩家带入一个被称为“The Backrooms”的可怕且无尽的房间网络中。玩家必须探索每...
The Pool Rooms, Backrooms level 37 is a singleplayer simulation/ maze game, where you have to navigate yourself through the gigantic complex, to find the way out. Equipped with only a flashlight and right fist, you must make your way through the 5 different levels ("The Sewerage", "The ...
Follow Poolrooms, and we'll let you know when we have any news, trailers, or screenshots. Where to buy Poolrooms There are currently no available deals GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. Poolrooms Unknown Release Date PC Developed by: NoPeople Inc Published by: NoPeople ...
By 出品 分类: 最后更新:2025-02-16 发布日期: 当前版本: 成人评级: 文件大小:0 bytes 开发人员: 系统平台:Mac / iPad / iPhone / 所有苹果系统 兼容性:需要 iOS 或更新. 官方下载 描述 截图
The Poolrooms Experience is a short horror game inspired by the popular web-horror. Originally this was going to be just a small map the player could walk around, but Instead, I decided to add two different areas and a few scares, please keep this in mind as it is just a small ...
The Poolrooms Experience is a short horror game inspired by the popular web-horror. Originally this was going to be just a small map the player could walk around, but Instead, I decided to add two different areas and a few scares, please keep this in mind as it is just a small ...
Not Reviewed Where to buy Poolrooms There are currently no available deals GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. Sign In to follow. Follow Poolrooms, and we'll let you know when we have any news, trailers, or screenshots....