So your areg model is pooled OLS with industry and time dummies. All firms share the same constant term. In the xtreg, you are fitting fixed effects with the within estimator, which gives each firm its own constant term. That estimator will have explanatory power i-f-f the movements of...
So your areg model > is pooled OLS with industry and time dummies. All firms share the same constant term. In the xtreg, you are fitting fixed effects with the within estimator, which gives > each firm its own constant term. That estimator will have explanatory power i-f-f the ...
reg y x1 x2 ... i.year 最后那个i.year要加上
Stata是一款统计分析软件,pooled OLS(Pooled Ordinary Least Squares)是一种回归分析方法。在Stata中进行pooled OLS回归分析,可以得到数据集中所有观测的整体回归结果。 Pooled OLS是一种经典的线性回归方法,用于分析具有面板数据结构的数据集。面板数据包含多个个体(例如个人、公司等)在多个时间点上的观测数据。Pooled...
13.48 between studies ¼ 0.011), whereas for laryngeal cancer we reported the fixed-effects ones (P-value for heterogeneity between studies ¼ 0.464). Vitamin E intake was inversely related to oral and pharyngeal cancer, with an OR of 0.59 (95% CI: 0.49–0.71) for the fifth quintile ...
In all the analyses described, when theP-value for heterogeneity between studies was <0.1, we used a mixed-effects modelling approach and replaced in the tables the fixed-effects ORs and CIs with the corresponding mixed-effects ones. We derived those estimates specifying a random intercept-random...
Stata是一款统计分析软件,pooled OLS(Pooled Ordinary Least Squares)是一种回归分析方法。在Stata中进行pooled OLS回归分析,可以得到数据集中所有观测的整体回归结果。 Pooled OLS是一种经典的线性回归方法,用于分析具有面板数据结构的数据集。面板数据包含多个个体(例如个人、公司等)在多个时间点上的观测数据。Pooled...