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So your areg model > is pooled OLS with industry and time dummies. All firms share the same constant term. In the xtreg, you are fitting fixed effects with the within estimator, which gives > each firm its own constant term. That estimator will have explanatory power i-f-f the ...
aTable 3 reports three different estimates of the parameters in specification (1): the pooled ordinary least squares (OLS), the between, and the fixed-effects (within) models. Though each model is based on different assumptions, all three produce an estimate of that is positive and high...
aIn parallel with the previous aggregated results, Table 5 reports the results of the pooled OLS, the between, and the fixed-effects estimators. The results of the pooled OLS and between models are again quite similar. With the exception of diversity, all dimension-specific CSI coefficients tha...
Tests of the assumptions of OLS indicate the presence of heterescedasticity and autocorrelation but the absence of unacceptible levels of multicollinearity. Based on the results of the Hausman test, a fixed effect regression analysis is used to test the model. In order to test the robustness of...
In all of the studies, vitamin E was expressed as α-tocopherol equivalents=weighted sum of tochopherols and tochotrienols with vitamin activity. We extracted information on its intake from natural sources (i.e., no inclusion of intakes from fortified foods), and we expressed these intakes ...
13.48 between studies ¼ 0.011), whereas for laryngeal cancer we reported the fixed-effects ones (P-value for heterogeneity between studies ¼ 0.464). Vitamin E intake was inversely related to oral and pharyngeal cancer, with an OR of 0.59 (95% CI: 0.49–0.71) for the fifth quintile ...
Tests of the assumptions of OLS indicate the presence of heterescedasticity and autocorrelation but the absence of unacceptible levels of multicollinearity. Based on the results of the Hausman test, a fixed effect regression analysis is used to test the model. In order to test the robustness of...