sqlalchemy: pool_pre_ping 问题 设想这样一个场景:通过flask启动了一个REST服务,该服务需要访问数据库,且每天被定时请求一次(除此之外无请求)。 按照上一节的讨论,由于两次请求间隔(24小时)超过了关闭阈值(8小时),因此在下一次发送请求时,会报出Lost connection的错误。 解决方案 一个可选的解决方案是,增加wait...
When using pool_pre_ping=True with MySQL version 8.0.28 and a stale connection, SQLAlchemy raises the following error instead of reconnecting: MySQLdb._exceptions.OperationalError: (4031, 'The client was disconnected by the server because of inactivity. See wait_timeout and interactive_timeout for...
查看当前无效对象 select * from dba_objects t where t.status = 'INVALID' order by 1; 编译无效对象: 有两种方式: 1、执行sql查询结果: select 'alter '||object_type||' '||owner||'.'||object_name||' compile;' from dba_objects t where t.status = 'INVALID' order by 1;...