To find pool volume in liters, you can use our gallons to liters unit conversion calculator or multiply the gallons by 3.79 – the number of liters in one gallon. To find the weight in pounds of the water in the pool, you can multiply the number of gallons by 8.33, or use our ...
Kidney Surface Area = .45 X (A + B) L Gallons of WaterDetermining the gallons of water in your swimming pool can help determine such thing as the size of your pump and filter. The gallons of water depends on the shape of your pool. Gallons of Water calculator aD = Average Depth P...
The pool gallon calculator takes the result of the previous section and multiplies it by the applicable rates of your local water supply. And that's all you need to do to find out how much beating the heat will cost! Let's take the average cost of water in the US, which is $1.50 ...
Matching Pool Pump Size to Your Pool’s Capacity Choosing a pool pump that fits your pool’s size is key. For a big 25,000-gallon pool, a pump like the Hayward AQR9 is ideal. It can handle the big size well. To illustrate this, let’s look at a table. It compares different salt...