How to Repair Cracks with Fix-A-Leak Bypass the Filter. Fix-A-Leak will clog your filter fast. Set the Multiport valve to Recirculate, or for Push-Pull slide valves and Cartridge filters, remove the DE grids or filter sand, and reassemble the tank together tightly without the filter media...
so you can pull the manifold out of the filter body. Clean the manifold and look for cracked laterals. Replace any that are cracked. If you aren't sure if a lateral is cracked, it's best to replace it. Check the standpipe for cracks and replace or repair it if you see any. ...
Did not pull winterizing plugs from the heater manifold or, Did not put a stand pipe in the skimmer and blow the plumbing out toward the equipment or, No bottle of antifreeze in the skimmer. Worse case scenario is there could be pump damage, heat exchanger damage, filter element damage, ...