Ponzi schemes are a type of investment fraud that offers investors great rates of return with no risk. Although various measures have been taken by law enforcement agencies as well as financial regulators to prevent this kind of problem, many people are still deceived by this...
The company has no intention of resurrecting the investment management side of Mr Madoff's business, which was the Ponzi scheme. 该公司无意恢复马多夫业务中的投资管理部分,即马多夫的庞式骗局。 www.ftchinese.com 5. In 2006, one potential investor actually branded it a Ponzi scheme and took his ...
Ponzi Scheme,即庞氏骗局,是对金融领域投资诈骗的称呼,是金字塔骗局(Pyramid scheme)的始祖。在中国庞氏骗局又称“拆东墙补西墙”或“空手套白狼”。简言之就是利用新投资人的钱来向老投资者支付利息和短期回报,以制造赚钱的假象,进而骗取更多的投资。很多非法的传销集团就是用这一招聚敛钱财的。参考双语例句...
At the center of the scheme was Wellesley Services, which billed itself as a specialist in purchasing small firms in the transportation, trash, courier and fuel oil industries. Antoniotti pleaded guilty to one count of conspiring to defraud the United States and faces a maximum of five years ...
Madoff was arrested in December 2008 for running a multi-billion-dollar Ponzi scheme -- an investment fraud promising high returns, with early investors paid off with money from later investors. The financial swindler is serving a 150-year sentence in a federal prison in Butner, North Carolina ...
A Ponzi scheme is a type of investment Fraud that promises investors exorbitant interest if they loan their money. As more investors participate, the money contributed by later investors is paid to the initial investors, purportedly as the promised interest on their loans. A Ponzi scheme works in...
The essential difference between the two frauds is that aPonzi schemegenerally only requires investment in something from its victims, with promised returns at a later pay date. Pyramid schemes, unlike Ponzi schemes, usually offer a victim the opportunity to “make” money by recruiting more people...
Difficulty in filing a complaint:Ponzi schemes are usually unregistered, and if the company runs away after fraud, it is difficult to file a complaint. Conclusion The Ponzi scheme, being a fraudulent investment scheme, is highly uncertain and unsecured. If an investor is ready to bear the such...
A Ponzi scheme is a type ofinvestment fraudin which investors are promised big profits at little or no risk. The money is not invested. Rather, the scam artist concentrates on attracting more investors. A growing number of victims is needed to pay out the supposed profits being distributed to...
Bernie Madoff:The most famous Ponzi scheme in recent history—and the single largest fraud of investors in the United States—was orchestrated for more than a decade byBernard Madoff, who defrauded investors in Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC. Madoff built a large network of investors ...