In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #23, a kelpie named Cassie uses her singing to control the minds of ponies and compel the citizens of Ponyville to destroy a dam near the town. To Angel's horror, Cassie aims to flood the area. However, she only wishes to do so for the...
Cappermakes up the disease pastelus coloritis inMy Little Pony The Movieto steer the potential Klugetown residents from purchasing the Mane Six and Spike. According to him, those infected get covered with purple splotches and "parts will fall off", and will also result in death. Petrification...
Then the train drew into the station, the cars covered with the dust of the desert, changing the dark brown of their paint to a dirty gray. The boys found that they had arrived at a typical western town, a tree-surrounded, mountain-shadowed, breeze-blown place set like a gem in a ...