Paddle Bag Can Storage 2 Paddle Portable Carrying Oar Bag for Canoe Kayak Boat Add $10.32 current price $10.32 $14.45 Was $14.45 +$9.99 shipping Paddle Bag Can Storage 2 Paddle Portable Carrying Oar Bag for Canoe Kayak Boat Cogfs Kayak Canoe Paddle Clip Holder Boat D...
v [, Tn.p] push (a boat, etc) along by using a pole 用杆、 篙、 杖等撑(船等): pole a punt up the river 用篙撑方头平底船逆流而上. pole-vault n (sport 体) jump over a raised bar, using a long pole which is held in the hands 撑竿跳高. =>illus at vault 见vault插...