Current local time in USA – Michigan – Pontiac. Get Pontiac's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Pontiac's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.
Address 1200 Featherstone RoadPontiac, MI 48342 Seating Weather Newspaper Satellite View Ballparks Virtual Mall Lions Gear Hotels, Dining & Deals in Detroit The Facility Date Opened August 23, 1975 Ownership(Management) The City of Pontiac(Pontiac Stadium Building Authority) Surface AstroTurf(1975-...
It is very disconcerting to know that so many others have had the same exact problem, yet there is no GM recall to correct a problem that is a definite design flaw, and not user error or other outside influence such as weather. Since I also had a problem with my sunroof not closing ...
Working outside in inclement weather, No job security. 这篇点评对您有用吗? 是否 报告 分享 3.03.0星,满分5星。 Dead Job Premises Tech (在职员工) - Pontiac, MI - 2017年6月11日 The route the company wishes to go and the CEO said he can let 50% of the workforce go and be ok by ...
Loved them and miss them. To this day when I see a cherry one on Ebay I am tempted. I only had issues with the 84 SE. Couldn’t keep brakes on that thing. Never really understood it. Still a fun ride. My favorite was the 86GT with V6, this was before the sloped back. They ...