The1987PontiacFirebirdTransAmGTAwasahigh–performancevariantofthethirdgenerationFirebird.Itwasintroducedin1986asalimitedproductionmodelandwasavailableonlyinthecoupebodystyle. GTA stands for Gran Turismo Americano. This GTA is located in Garwood, New Jersey and list listedhere on eBaywith 3 days remaining in...
000 in 1971. For 1973, the GTO, which had been a separate model since 1966, reverted to an option package on Pontiac’s restyled “Colonnade” Le Mans. It very nearly got the new 455 (7,488 cc) Super Duty engine also used in the contemporary Firebird, with 310nethorsepower (231 kW)...
the plastic body techniques developed for the Pontiac Fiero did not go to waste. GM later used the same approach for its early U-body minivans (the Chevrolet Lumina APV, Pontiac Trans Sport, and Oldsmobile Silhouette), the Saturn, and the fourth-generation Camaro and Firebird. As with the F...