可爱的【POMPOMPURIN Cafe 布丁狗主题咖啡厅】来到台湾啦!内饰为招牌黄 色,摆设、桌椅餐具随处可见布丁狗家族图案。松饼塔、咖喱饭、意面、布丁等美食餐点也都离不开布丁狗。地址:#台北#信义区ATT 4 Fun五楼,近捷运台北101/世贸站。 @huang婉青 @台湾自由行 人不算多……排队排了大概十几分钟,用餐时间是九十...
香港Pompompurin Cafe HongKong旅游图库,携程攻略社区! 汇集了香港Pompompurin Cafe HongKong旅游驴友的精选上传旅游照片、景点照片、风景图片、图库、相册,记录香港Pompompurin Cafe HongKong旅游行程中的名胜景点、风土人情等旅游景点照片。
【兜兜】PomPomPurin û收藏 78 87 ñ675 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... Ü 简介: find your TREASURE💎 更多a 微关系 他的关注(93) 嬤法小芳之家 道绒草饲基地 盒盒猫猫狗狗cafe 神颜回不去了 他的粉丝(6.4万) 用户78...
布丁狗迷有福了,布丁狗餐廳pompompurin cafe來台的第一間餐廳,就開在信義區Att 4 Fun裡,布丁狗迷還不快出發! 終於找到布丁狗了,這門口也太可愛了吧! 布丁狗來台灣的第一家餐廳就位於ATT 4FUN 五樓 一開始釋出消息的時候叮叮非常期待~ 畢竟懶懶熊還沒出來前布丁狗就是她的最愛,所以這次布丁狗餐廳,小美也只好含淚...
It's a themed restaurant, which means basically don't expect too much from the food or drinks. There are better themed restaurants (such as Moomin Cafe in Ocean Terminal). They charge mid-range prices for fast-food quality. The character faces are mostly drawn with chocolate syrup,...
Pompompurin Cafe HongKong Questions & Answers 18 Reviews Ranked #5,211 of 15,686 Restaurants in Hong Kong Questions? Get answers from Pompompurin Cafe HongKong staff and past visitors. Posting guidelines Get notified about new answers to your questions. Verification: Typical questions asked: Do...
「POMPOMPURIN Cafe」布丁狗咖啡1號店 地址:東京都涉谷區神宮前1-7-1 Cute Cube Harajuku 3樓 營業時間:11:00 – 21:00 超可愛的布丁狗餐廳,就在大阪的阪急三番街南館B2 官網。http://pompom.createrestaurants.com/jp/index.html 菜單。http://pompom.createrestaurants.com/jp/menu.html ...
I'm not going to complain about the service (so slow) or how the food tastes (nothing to rave about), when you come to this type of cafe it's just for the novelty of how cute prepared food is. AND BOY WAS IT SUPER CUTE !!! I enjoyed it and had fun...
New Pompompurin Cafe opens with exclusive Japanese dishes modeled after the Sanrio star 【Pics】 Casey Baseel Nov 18, 2016 Chain expands tonew cityandadds traditional local favorites to the menu. Read More We try the new Sanrio character McFlurry from McDonald’s Japan ...