Pomodoro Timer is an efficient time management tool based on the “Pomodoro Technique,” designed to help users improve focus and productivity. The software divides tasks into 25-minute focus intervals (known as “pomodoros”), followed by a 5-minute short break. After completing four pomodoros...
Thank you for using Pomodoro Timer! ■ BUG FIXES - Minor bug fixes to enhance your experience. ■ LET'S CONNECT! Drop me an email at julien@lacroix.dev App 隐私 开发者“Julien Lacroix”已表明该 App 的隐私规范可能包括了下述的数据处理方式。有关更多信息,请参阅开发者隐私政策。
FocusCommit is a cutting-edge productivity app that integrates a Pomodoro timer, Kanban board, and the Getting Things Done approach to help you stay productive and meet your goals
Pomodoro Timer for Mac是一个强大的工具,可以帮助您提高您的生产效率和工作质量。Pomodoro Timer for Mac在上世纪80年代被发现,它仍然是今天正在使用的最流行的时间管理技巧,这款APP使用起来非常的简单,效果也非常的显著。 Pomodoro Timer for Mac功能介绍 ...
1. Pomodoro Timer **Quick setting and personal freedom to set the Pomodoro Timer. **The Pomodoro Timer record table, which is an accurate time distribution record table, which can reflect any 1 minute of the day. **Summary report, summarize your work and study time usage, improve efficiency...
Upgrade your work routine with SitWit—the productivity timer and posture tool that ensures you stay focused, work healthier, and get more done. The terms and conditions that apply to SitWit Premium can be found here: https://sitwit.app/help?lang=en#other-topics&terms-and-conditions ...
Pomodoro Timer for mac 1.5番茄钟定时器 最新破解版 | 原价15元人民币 [h1]Pomodoro Timer for mac 1.5介绍[/h1] 番茄计时器可以帮助您提高您的生产力使用番茄工作法 ™,最有效的时间管理方法之一。不仅你会得到一个完全可配置的计时器 O网页链接 ...
Mac软件下载 支持系统 OS X 10.8 价格 18 下载次数 87 官方网站 访问 The most advanced Time management app! Timer is a personal anti-procrastination application that helps in Getting Things Done. It is a simple but effective way to manage your time and to boost your productivity to higher levels...
The most over-the-top (in a good way) Pomodoro timer around Syncs timers between your Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch Session cons: Comically expensive for a timer Session is an absolutely ridiculous app. The designer has basically set out to make the best possible Pomodoro timer ...
electronjavascriptproductivityvuepomodoropomodoro-timerelectron-vuepomodoro-techniquetime-management UpdatedApr 8, 2024 Vue jacklandrin/OnlySwitch Sponsor Star4.3k Code Issues Pull requests Discussions ⚙️ All-in-One menu bar app, hide 💻MacBook Pro's notch, dark mode, AirPods, Shortcuts ...