pom·pom (pŏm′pŏm′) or pom·pon (-pŏn′) n. 1. A fluffy ball of wool or other material used as a decoration, as on a cap. 2. A ball of fluffy material, such as feathers or strips of colored paper, that is waved by cheerleaders and sports fans. 3. A small buttonlik...
Define pomposo. pomposo synonyms, pomposo pronunciation, pomposo translation, English dictionary definition of pomposo. music adv in a ceremonial or grand manner adj to be played in a ceremonial or grand manner Collins English Dictionary – Complete and
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Define Pompet. Pompet synonyms, Pompet pronunciation, Pompet translation, English dictionary definition of Pompet. n. 1. The ball formerly used to ink the type. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co
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This facilitates the design of programs which use Prolog for high level problem-solving and LISP or POP-11 for deterministic lowlevel processing. On the VAX version, programs written in other languages (e.g. for efficiency) can be linked in to POPLOG. Most of the system is written in POP...
网络绒球 网络释义 1. 绒球 ...来的风,寒气颇劲,毛线外套前面有两条长带,各系以一绒球(Pom-Pon),左右手各执一带,摆动绒球玩着,扭扭身体可以暖 … myweb.hinet.net|基于 1 个网页
but the misheard formpompomhas gradually gained ground. Today, the two are used about equally in English. Two-word spellings such aspom pomandpom ponhave never been standard, though they appear in informal contexts, andhyphenatedforms such aspom-pomare likewise nonstandard. There’s no reason ...
pom pon=pompon pomn. Pomerania种小狗,砰的一声 vi. 发砰砰声 比赛用的丝球、绒球 POM=Polarizing Optical Microscope 极化光学显微镜 pon= Power ON,通电,加电 pom pom多管机关炮,高射炮炮架 最新单词 indococcus是什么意思及音标蓝球菌 indocility是什么意思及音标n. 不顺从,难教 ...
主要经营:毛根 ; 毛条 ; chenille stem ; 绒球 ; 毛球 ; 毛毛球 ; pom pon ; pompon 纬昌工艺厂创办于1972年,位于广东省惠阳区秋长镇将军路工业园区内,紧临深圳经济特区,交通十分便利,是一家专门生产各种节庆用品,圣诞节Christmas,复活节Easter,万圣 ... ...