今天一起看下PolyU的Department of Computing 的PhD情况,学制3-4年。MPhil :2年 01 研究领域人工智能与大数据计算;区块链、网络安全与隐私;图形学、多媒体与虚拟现实;移动计算;模式识别与自然语言处理;系统…
香港理工大学位于中国香港特别行政区,QS 最新排名-世界 65 位。计算机系(Department of Computing)QS 学科排名 51-100,U.S.News 学科排名 26, 有众多IEEE Fellow及知名学者。 2 导师简介 李青教授,香港理工大学电子计算学系Chair Pr...
香港理工大学电子计算学系( Department of Computing ) Dr. Man Ho Allen Au ( http://www.comp.polyu.edu.hk/~csallen ) 现招收博士生及研究助理 ( Research Assistant )。欢迎满足以下条件,热爱学术的申请者 。 博士生 (2017年9月入学) - 有硕士学位或研究生在读者优先,本科生申请者要求GPA高于3.5/4.0...
PolyU will officially establish the Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences in January 2025. This is an important move to implement the University's innovation development strategy, aiming to meet growing technological needs and support talent nurturing. The Department of Computing, which houses th...
计算机系(Department of Computing)QS 学科排名 51-100,U.S.News 学科排名 26。李菁博士所领导的社交媒体分析研究组 (Social Media Analysis Research Group) 在ACL/EMNLP/WWW等顶会发表多篇论文。计划招收多名全奖PHD/MPhil (2023年秋季入学),至少提供HK$18,100/month的奖学金,优秀申请者有机会获得最高HK$27...
Professor, School of Design and Department of Computing, Faculty of Engineering 比较文学博士、计算机科学博士 任香港理工大学计算机系及设计学院教授 社交机器人研究者 项目优势: 主要方向为情感AI、对话交互式AI以及社交机器人相关的设计与...
3)Department of ComputingMSc in Information TechnologyDepartment of Electrical EngineeringMaster of Science (MSc) in Electrical Engineering4)Department of Electronic and Information EngineeringMaster of Science in Electronic and Information Engineering5)Department of Industrial and Systems EngineeringMaster of ...
Lei Yang (, [CV]) is currently an Assistant Professor inDepartment of Computing,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Previously, he was a Research Assistant Professor in PolyU and Postdoc fellow in the School of Software,Tsinghua University. He received his BS degree in the School of Software...
The opening ceremony was officiated by Daniel Lai, Interim Vice President (Administration), PolyU; Stefan Sjoestroem, Vice President of Public Sector Group, Microsoft Asia; Horace Chow, General Manager, Microsoft Hong Kong and Professor Jiannong Cao, Head of Department of Computing (COMP), PolyU....
1 ForImmediateRelease PolyU,Cisco,MacroviewTelecomlaunchthe AdvancedEnterpriseInfrastructureLab Labwillenablestudentstolearnandapplynetworkingtechnologies HongKong,25November2008–TheHongKongPolytechnicUniversity(PolyU)todayannouncedthe openingoftheAdvancedEnterpriseInfrastructureLabintheDepartmentofComputing,sponsoredby Cisco,...