收到短信后我去查Email没有收到POLU的邮件,又看我的status还是application being considered真的不知道是什么情况。。。我是2015的,不知道和楼主那一届有什么差别 糖已不甜 小有美名 5 我的也是这样的 前天收到短信让中介去查是offer 卑鄙的肉松 闻名一方 11 楼主有面试吗,我也申的IT ChasenWong ...
in diameter, in some applications the lumina may be of unequal diameter. In any case, the lumina will typically be of an internal diameter between approximately 0.5 mm and 6 mm, depending upon the outer diameter of the body and the anatomical application for which the device is being used....