Learning takes place at campuses in Moose Jaw, Prince Albert, Regina and Saskatoon and through extensive distance education opportunities. Programs serve every economic and public service sector. As a polytechnic, the organization provides the depth of learning appropriate to employer and student need,...
学校类型:公立 学院 建校时间:1988年 在校学生:15000人 授课语言:英文 录取要求:雅思6分 托福79分 学校地址:Saskatchewan Polytechnic Administrative Offices, 400 - 119 4th Avenue South, Saskatoon SK, Canada, S7K 5X2 年均学费 12500加币 雅思要求 6分 录取率 88.1%学校...
学校地址:Saskatchewan Polytechnic Administrative Offices, 400 - 119 4th Avenue South, Saskatoon SK, Canada, S7K 5X2 年均学费12500加币 雅思要求6分 录取率88.1% 学校介绍 创建于1988年的萨斯喀彻温省应用科技学院,Saskatchewan Polytechnic(之前的名称是Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology,...
A sod-turning ceremony was held on Monday for what will become the new Sask. Polytechnic central campus in Saskatoon, located at Innovation Place on the U of S campus near the intersection of Preston Avenue and Research Drive. The new campus is to be named for Joseph A. Remai, who prev...
学校地址:Saskatchewan Polytechnic Administrative Offices, 400 - 119 4th Avenue South, Saskatoon SK, Canada, S7K 5X2 年均学费 12500加币 雅思要求 6分 录取率 88.1% 学校百科 培训方式开设课程 学校概况 创建于1988年的萨斯喀彻温省应用科技学院,Saskatchewan Polytechnic(之前的名称是Saskatchewan Institute of ...
and degree programs, as well as apprenticeship training, all designed to meet the needs of employers and students. The institution also engages in applied research to support innovation and enhance students' critical thinking skills. It was founded in 1941 and is based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. ...
Ens, EliishaSaskatchewan Polytechnic, Saskatoon, CanadaGustafson, BarbaraSaskatchewan Polytechnic, Saskatoon, CanadaChambers-Richards, TamaraCollege of New Caledonia, Prince George, CanadaSpringerOpenEmpirical Research in Vocational Education and Training
创建于1988年的萨斯喀彻温省应用科技学院,Saskatchewan Polytechnic(之前的名称是Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology,简称SIAST)是国际公认的萨斯喀彻温省主要的公立高等职业技能培训和教育机构。
Popular Destinations in Saskatchewan Discover Regina, Saskatoon, Prince Albert and Moose Jaw. Regina Saskatoon Prince Albert Moose JawTourists don't know where they've been, travelers don't know where they're going. - Paul Theroux Curious Places to Discover...
贸易,媒体艺术制作,工程技术,酒店和餐厅管理,自然资源和建筑环境,娱乐与社区发展。 所在省 萨斯喀彻温省 城市:萨斯卡通 类型:中型城市 联系学校 电话:+1 18664674278 邮箱:international@saskpolytech.ca 学校邮箱:http://saskpolytech.ca/ 地址 1130 Idylwyld Drive at 33rd Street, Saskatoon...