RotoVib seamlessly integrates into Polytec’s workflow for QTec 3D scanning laser vibrometers, saving time with automatic repositioning of the test object. Ideal for small and medium-sized samples up to 50 kg, it enables 360° measurements and uses CAE models for accurate results. The operation ...
Polytec 激光测振仪,以激光作为精密探测手段,完美规避附加质量带来的干扰。其带宽范围极为宽泛,从 DC 至 GHz 全覆盖,能够以非接触式测量方式,精准剖析生物医学样品、电子元件以及诸如 MEMS 等微结构的振动、声学和动力学特性。 借助Polytec 激光测振仪,不仅可以精确获取样品的频率响应,进而确定共振频率,还能深入洞察脉冲...
Microscope-based vibrometers Inspired by the rapid further development of microelectromechanical systems and MEMS, Polytec presents this highly innovative product line of microscope-based measurement systems. MSA Micro System Analyzers from Polytec validate dynamics and topography of microsystems reliably with...
POLYTEC 激光振动测试仪 OFV-5000 VIBROMETER CONTROLLER价格 ¥ 250000.00 起订数 1台起批 发货地 广东深圳 咨询底价 产品服务 热门商品 lecroy协议分析仪 ¥ 100000.00 TestCenter 天津拓码NuStreams600 以太网测试仪操作说明 ¥ 98000.00 光开关 Anritsu光调制器价格 ¥ 88000.00 EXFO光偏振分析仪回收...
OFV-5000 Vibrometer Controller OFV-5000 Vibrometer Controller – Velocity Decoders – Displacement Decoders OFV-505/503 Standard Sensors OFV-511/512 Fiber-Optic Sensors M E A S U R I N G V I B R A T I O N S Polytec’s modular vibrometer controller is continually improving to meet the...
6 min 在太空中生存 专注于微陨石的撞击检测 5 min 在恶劣的车载环境下测试触摸屏 使用激光测振仪评估触摸屏在-40° ~ 85°C温度范围内的声学性能 5 min Effects of mass loading When to choose a laser Doppler vibrometer for vibration measurement...
Vibrometer accessory - protective window keeping the vibrometer lens free from contamination VIB-A-220 Protective window Protects the objective lens of the laser vibrometer from dust, oil and contamination. Tube around window for additional protection. ...
US Air Force Purchases Polytec 3-D Vibrometervector component analysisAbout Us
Core of VibroFlex as flexible laser vibrometer solution is the Front-End Connect. Choose from decoding option for velocity, displacement and acceleration.The Front-End Connect enables custom setups and makes sure to have the application-specific settings with upgrade options at any time. The high-...
Version•eyesavewaterineyeabsorbs1550nm–class2forbothlaser 9 3.Polytec在模态分析行业最新的应用案例 1)极端温度航空航天GVT测试(多点热模态)a)OFV-5000+OFV-505/OFV-534/OFV-552VibrometerSystem SensorHead Controller KeyFeatures •ModularApproach•Applicationspecificconfiguration•Bestresolution ...