Polyploidy is frequently enhanced under pathological conditions, such as tissue injury and cancer in humans. Polyploidization is critically involved in cancer evolution, including cancer initiation and the acquisition of drug resistance. However, the eff
It is suggested that all plant cells pass through two phases of enlargement, an initial phase characterized by synthesis of DNA and cytoplasmic constituents and a later phase characterized by extensive vacuolation and intake of water. Because of the delayed maturation, the inhibition of cytokinesis,...
In most cases, the isochromosome 12p is detected preferentially in skin fibroblasts and not in peripheral blood. This syndrome is characterized phenotypically by postnatal growth deceleration, profound intellectual disability with seizures developing in infancy, and poor speech development. Facies are ...
The most prevalent mitotic defect observed in EAC cells was chromosome congression failure characterized by the presence of misaligned and scattered chromosomes, which is a phenotype typically caused by defective kinetochores invoking a robust SAC. Structural and/or functional alterations of kinetochore and...
Methods to differentiate between the two processes are under development, and in some instances ancient events have been successfully characterized. Genome dominance is a phenomenon observed in allopolyploids, where one subgenome shows lower expression and retention than the other (biased fractionation)....
Endopolyploidy is developmentally regulated. Presence of endopolyploidy as a result of endoreduplication has been characterized in insects, mammals and plants. The family Orchidaceae is the largest among the flowering plants. Many of the members of the o
and has much smaller leaves (4.9–16.2 × 3.5–10.5 cm) with cuspidate or rarely caudate apices and truncate bases.F. forbesiiis found from southwestern China to the Korean peninsula, and is characterized by its somewhat orbicular leaves with rounded bases and short, abruptly acuminate...
1. has various karyological races with peculiar chromosome cycles; one of these is characterized by a triploid somatic set, while the female line is hexaploid and the male line is diploid. The development is pseudogamic. A few specimens of this race after repeated regenerative processes have ...
The method is characterized by comprising the following steps: selecting the seashell to grow the shell to respectively obtain sperms and ovum; carrying out artificial insemination; continuously observing the developing condition of zygotes through microscopic examination to determine the number of the ...
Crassulacean acid metabolism (Cam) is characterized by a daily rythm of CO 2 fixation (1), associated with changes on the activity of phosphoenol-pyruvate carboxylase (Pepc) and on the content of malate (2), in leaves. In some plants, like Kalanchde, Sedum, Bryophyllum, etc., the ...