The texture of music has to do with the different layers of music, from the instrumental accompaniment (including what type of instrumental accompaniment) to the number of harmonies found in the music. The origin of the word polyphonic comes from the Greek word poluphonia, with polu meaning ...
Just don’t confuse the term “voices” with singers—polyphony is a general term that describes how many individual parts are in play at once. The word “voices” is used as a shorthand to refer to an independent line or part. It comes from musical traditions that date back centuries. F...
(e.g.,one performer beginning on C, the other on G) lack the truly distinct or separate voice parts found in true polyphony and in counterpoint. Finally, contemporary theorists generally use the wordcounterpointin a narrow sense for musical styles resembling those ofPalestrinaor Bach and ...
polyphony, inmusic, the simultaneous combination of two or moretonesor melodic lines (the term derives from the Greek word for “many sounds”). Thus, even a singleintervalmade up of two simultaneous tones or achordof three simultaneous tones is rudimentarily polyphonic. Usually, however, polypho...
Samsung Solar Powered Mobile Phone comes to Pakistan It has 4 hours of talk time and 150 hours of standby time and polyphonic ring tones. Hop-On Inc releases USD10 GSM cell phone You'll also be able to get Su Pollard polyphonic ring tones featuring the theme tune to You Rang M'Lord?
Music has long been a contentious subject in Joyce studies, especially when it comes to the fugue structure in "Sirens." While critics have interpreted this episode with great success, we still require a clearer awareness of the essential disparity ...
We actually had to look up the word, Quadrantid, which is yearly meteor shower that appears in early January, radiating out of the constellation Draco, if you were dying to know. After extensive time with the Quadrantid Swarm, it’s difficult to determine why the mad-hatters at Eowave deci...
His fictional work centres on the south-east Asian population dealing with the identity crisis at different levels.The art of telling a story is a `narrative' which came into existence long before it got its name. It comes to us so naturally that we start expressing our feelings through ...
of musical design and texture, the balance between vertical and horizontal forces, existing between these lines. The freedoms taken by composers have in turn influenced theorists to revise their laws. The wordcounterpointis occasionally used by ethnomusicologists to describe aspects ofheterophony—...