The number of polyphenols is not as rich as with some of the other foods on the list. Still, every bit of these compounds added to a person’s diet will ultimately add up and provide beneficial properties in their body. White beans and black beans are great sources of polyphenols. For...
Funct. Foods. 3(4) (2023) 289–305. Crossref Google Scholar [11] G. Catalkaya, K. Venema, L. Lucini, et al., Interaction of dietary polyphenols and gut microbiota: microbial metabolism of polyphenols, influence on the gut microbiota, ...
Based on the application, the functional beverages segment accounted for a revenue share of 32.9% in 2024, owing to its rising awareness regarding dietary habits to maintain good health and prevent diseases. The functional foods segment is expected to grow at the fastest CAGR of 6.2% over the ...
2015), thus increasing the effectiveness of the functional analysis step. A limited number of studies in nutritional research have used systems biology approaches. For example, seeded approach to network analysis was applied by Wuttke et al. (2012). The authors started with a list of CR-related...
Methods:The InCHIANTI study enrolled representative samples from the registry list of two towns in Tuscany, Italy. Baseline data were collected in 1998 and follow-up visits in 2001 and 2004. Of the 1453 participants enrolled, 956 consented to donate a 24-h urine sample used to assess UTP, ...
tinhhaSsibeeivitneinrhagilbcsiettiuroadnmieaisdnhedasgvylenotbphainalspdeoissi,nrdutuepdetiottohneiotpsfoslistprsiiubdcltemumreatelacbshiomalinsilimasmr1i8t–yo20ft.oaFclBoti1nodgni-scorhfuaFpintBs1sspbphyhiimnnggeooailndipsbiodafsmeceebrtaaacmbkoibdloiesnmseysbn18y-. The inhibition of ceramide...
As of 2023, four insects have been approved by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) as novel foods to be consumed as snacks or incorporated as food ingredients. The approved insects include mealworm (Tenebrio molitor larva), migratory locust (Locusta migratoria), house cricket (Acheta ...
The present review discusses both the positive and the negative side effects of such interactions and explores the potential to fine-tune protein functionality during processing not only in model solutions but also in more complex foods. Key findings and conclusions Traditionally, studies have focused ...
total polyphenols (UTP), a proxy measure of polyphenol intake, with longitudinal changes of bone properties in a representative cohort of free-living participants of the InCHIANTI study.Methods The InCHIANTI study enrolled representative samples from the registry list of two towns in Tuscany, Italy....
Table 1. List of phytocompounds and their demethylation activity. 5. DNA Hypomethylation of NRF2 by Phytochemicals 5.1. Sulforaphane Sulforaphane (1-isothiocyanate-(4R) (methylsulfonyl)butane) (SFN) is a naturally occurring isothiocyanate formed by the enzymatic action of myrosinase on glucopharan...