metarule generation, program reduction, lifting of ground predicates, etc. These will be discussed in detail in the upcoming Louise manual.Learning logic programs with LouiseIn this section we give a few examples of learning simple logic programs with Louise. The examples are chosen to demonstrate...
These results hold even for grid graphs and wall graphs, and extend to the closely related Edge-Disjoint Paths problem, even in wall graphs. Our hardness proof performs a reduction from the 3COL(5) problem to NDP, using a new graph partitioning problem as a proxy. Unlike the more standard...
diamond}-free Edge Deletion. Unfortunately, we are unable to express the annotations in a clean manner using gadgets. Therefore, we compose the polynomial-time compression of Theorem 2 with the NP-hardness reduction that we present for{claw,diamond}-free Edge Deletion(see Corollary 1 discussed ...
We establish a polynomial upper bound on the treedepth in general graphs, and give tighter bounds in trees and interval graphs via constructive coloring algorithms. We also give a co-NP-completeness reduction for recognizing p-linear colorings and discuss ways to overcome this limitation in ...
A language B is in NP-complete if: 2. There is a polynomial- time reduction from every problem A NP to B. 1. B NP B NP B NP ? 16 Lecture 26: Computing Genomes and Vice Versa To Prove NP-Hardness • Pick some known NP-Complete problem X. • Show that a...
Our bound on Boolean noise sensitivity is achieved via a simple reduction from upper bounds on average sensitivity of Boolean PTFs to corresponding bounds on noise sensitivity.doi:10.4086/toc.2014.v010a001Ilias DiakonikolasRaghu MekaPrahladh Harsha...