When using methyl methacrylate, the dispersion is preferably formed below 40 DEG C. Other esters specified are ethyl, propyl and butyl methacrylates. The other polymerizable compounds include styrene, vinyl acetate, vinyl ketones, ethyl and butyl acrylates and fumaric and itaconic esters. Dispersing ...
sOap-freemicrOemulsiOnWasObservedunderanenvirOnmentscanningelectrOnmicrOscOpeandtheexistenceOf micrOpOrOusstructureWasfOund KeyOrds : sOap-freemicrOemulsiOn ; inversemicrOemulsiOnpOlymeri atiOn ; pOlymeri atiOnkinetics ; micrOpOrOuspOlymer ; methylmethacrylate Z005 06 03 收到初稿 Z005 09 19 收到修改稿 联系人及...
18, No. 3, pp 249-261 (1986) Studies on the Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate with Butylmagnesium Chloride by the Aid of Totally Deuterated Monomer-Structures of Polymerization Products and Fate of Initiator Koichi UTE, Tatsuki KITAYAMA, and Koichi HATADA Department of Chemistry, Faculty of ...
Polymerization of methyl methacrylatein toluene, at various temperatures with silica gel grade 955 supported \[C\-5Me\-5\]\-2SmMe(THF) was studied. 以五甲基环戊二烯为配体的有机稀土配合物 ,如 [Sm H( C5Me5) ]2 ,[C5Me5]Ln Me( THF) ( Ln=Sm,Yb)等在甲苯中单组分引发甲基丙烯酸甲酯...
Polymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA) with nickel(II) acetylacetonate [Ni(acac) 2 ] in combination with methylaluminoxane (MAO) was investigated. Ni(acac) 2 was found to be an effective catalyst for the polymerization of MMA. From a kinetic study of the polymerization of MMA with the ...
Methyl methacrylate and p-fluorostyrene were polymerized with Co(acac) 3-A1Et 3 catalyst system in benzene at 60°. Maximum conversion of polymer was obtained when the catalyst was aged for 15 min. Maximum activity of the catalyst was found at Al/Co ratio of 3. The polymerization was first...
13, No. II, pp 1045-1054 (1981) Studies on the Mechanism of Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate in Tetrahydrofuran with Butyllithium at -78°C by Using Perdeuterated Monomer Koichi HATADA, Tatsuki KITAYAMA, Seiji 0KAHATA, and Heimei YUKI Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering Science...
Nagoya, Kita-ku, Nagoya 462, Japan (Received April 5, 1984) ABSTRACT: In the radical polymerization of methyl methacrylate at 20°C where transfer predominates, termination rates were estimated over a wide range of conversion and discussed on the basis of the entanglement and reptation theories....
Journal of Macromolecular Science: Part A - ChemistryAbuin E., Contreras E., Gruttner E. and Lissi E.A., Methyl methacrylate polymerization at high conversion. I. Influence of the molecular weight of the polymer produced. J. Macromol. Sci.-Chem., 1997, A11(1), 65-72...
The effect of TMTD on the polymerization of methyl methacrylate was studied. The plot of R P vs [TMTD] 1 2 shows a maximum ascribed to participation of TMTD-radicals in cross (P′ + RS′) and mutual-termination (RS′ + RS′). The total polymerization rate is then well expressed by ...