Polylactic acid: synthesis, properties and applications. In: Belgacem, M.N., Gandini, A. (Eds.), Monomers, Polymers and Composites from Renewable Resources. Elsevier, pp. 433-448.Averous, L. (2008). Polylactic acid: Synthesis, properties and applications. In M. Bel- gacem, & A. Gandini...
Polylactic acid Chemical Properties,Uses,Production Description Polylactic acid (PLA) is a green, novel, nontoxic, biodegradable, biobased, innovative thermoplastic packaging material. With enhanced strength, transparency, and high elastic modulus, this polymer can be derived from renewable sources like ...
propertiesmedical applicationsPolylactic acid (PLA), one of the well-known biodegradable polyesters, has been studied extensively for tissue engineering and drug delivery systems, and it was also used widely in human medicine. A new method to synthesize PLA (ring-opening polymerization), which ...
聚乳酸(Polylactic Acid, 简称PLA)对环保的贡献: 减少碳足迹:聚乳酸的原材料来源于每年可再生的植物,其生命周期碳排放量远低于传统塑料。从“田间到产品”整个生命周期,PLA显著降低了对环境的负担。 促进资源循环:PLA的生物可降解性使得其在废弃后能够被自然环境有效吸收,加速了物质循环,有助于解决塑料垃圾积累问题。
Acidandacid Polylactic Acid: Synthesis, Properties and Applications L. Avérous ABSTRACT Polylactic acid (PLA) is at present one of the most promising biodegradable polymers (biopolymers) and has been the subject of abundant literature over the last decade. PLA can be processed with a large number...
乳酸(lactic acid),又名2-羟基丙酸,是一种结构极为简单的有机酸,它在发酵食品如酸奶、泡菜中自然产生。1780年,化学家舍勒(Carl Wilhelm Scheele)在酸奶中首次分离出了乳酸。1808年,贝采利乌斯(Jöns Jak…
聚乳酸PLA、PolylacticAcid完全分解绿⾊⾼分⼦材料PLA是 Poly lactic Acid 的缩写。中⽂名称为聚乳酸 PLA 的⽣命周期是从植物种植光合作⽤吸收⼆氧化碳释放出氧⽓开始,到植物收割后经过加⼯提取出葡萄糖,到发酵成为乳酸(PLA),之后再⽤聚乳酸原料经过各种⼀般塑料的加⼯⼯艺,如吸塑成型、...
Applications and Properties of PLA Polylactic acid (PLA) is an easy-to-process, biocompatible, biodegradable plastic. As such, it is used for medical implants like stents and implantable drug dispensers that are designed to biodegrade over time. PLA is also used in food packaging and disposable ...
Polylactic acid (PLA)Tensile strengthFlexural strengthNatural fibers are gaining much interest in composite materials because of their potential to replace conventional glass fibers. In particular, unidirectional flax fiber composites have shown excellent mechanical properties with different thermoset matrices. ...
Monomers, Polymers and Composites from Renewable Resources || Polylactic Acid: Synthesis, Properties and Applications Polylactic acid (PLA) is a biodegradable polyester polymer that is produced from renewable resources, such as corn or other carbohydrate sources. However, ... Avérous,L. 被引量: 0...