Jonathan Zhang,Tobias Struffert,Joachim Hornegger,Robert G. Grossman,Arnd Doerfler,Christof Karmonik.Tetrahedral vs. polyhedral mesh size evaluation on flow velocity and wall shear stress for cerebral hemodynamic simulation[J]. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering .2011(1)...
Tetrahedral Volume Elements The polyhedral mesh is derived directly from the tetrahedral mesh by forming polygons around each node in the tetrahedral mesh. Volume Element Counts Convergence The pressure residual for each mesh type is shown below. Pressure Residuals Monitor The solution on the polyhedral...
The results of this mesh configuration turned out to be completely wrong even using the same setup. Does anyone know how to convert "partially" the domain into polyhedral and leave the inside of the wing as tetrahedral? I was thinking it might be caused by some of the settings in the ...
Comparison of hexahedral, tetrahedral and polyhedral mesh for reproducing the flow field around an isolated building by LESPolyhedral mesh is very economic, which can achieve\nacceptable accuracy, while less calculation resource is required.\nBoundary layer mesh is important to reproduce accurate\n...