50.《Pistol Whip》(VR游戏)49.《梦界狂徒(Hypnospace Outlaw)》48.《岛民(Islanders)》47.《全境封锁2》46.《新超级马里奥兄弟U:豪华版》45.《血污:夜之仪式》44.《星球大战绝地:陨落的武士团》43.《Kind Words》42.《蒸汽世界:吉尔伽美什之手(SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech)》41.《捣蛋...
50.《Pistol Whip》(VR游戏)49.《梦界狂徒(Hypnospace Outlaw)》48.《岛民(Islanders)》47.《全境封锁2》46.《新超级马里奥兄弟U:豪华版》 《Pistol Whip》是一款创造性地融合了动作射击玩法和音乐节奏的VR游戏,你需要不断前进,穿过特定关卡,在前进的过程中躲避敌人的射击并开火击败对方。如果你踩点够准,就能随...
外媒Polygon评选2019年50大游戏 外媒Polygon评出了2019年50大最佳游戏,涵盖PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch和手机等全平台作品。 Polygon表示,2019年这一年的游戏有很多实验性作品和意外的惊喜。对于游戏来说是一个非常奇怪的一年,这种奇怪的感觉在下面的这50款游戏中体现的淋漓尽致。 Top 50: 50.《Pistol Whip》(VR游戏)...
2019 was a very strange year for games, and that sense of adventure is clear in our list of the top 50 games of the past 12 months. While next year will have new consoles and likely many new entries in huge, tentpole franchises, this was a year with many experiments and unexpected su...
外媒Polygon评出了2019年50大最佳游戏,涵盖PC,PS4,Xbox One,Switch和手机等全平台作品。 Polygon表示,2019年这一年的游戏有很多实验性作品和意外的惊喜。对于游戏来说是一个非常奇怪的一年,这种奇怪的感觉下面的这50款游戏中体现的淋漓尽致。 Top 50:
For our 2019 guide to the best games of the year, Polygon has been counting down our top 5 each weekday, ending with our top choice as well as the full list of our top 50 favorites from 2019. And throughout the month, we’ll be looking back on the year with special videos, essays...
Contributor langevin-usgs commented May 31, 2019 @dbrakenhoff, I'm starting to play with your nice intersect class. I ran into one quick thing early on, that is just related to plotting. Trying passing in a rotation angle like: sgr = fgrid.StructuredGrid(delc, delr, top=None, botm...
I beat the game in May after collecting 50/100 cat shines. I embedded a video at the top with some clips of the ending stitched together. I haven’t had time to go after the remaining cat shines, but I plan to get back to it soon!
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