Polygamy is the practice of being married marriage to more than one spouse at a time. The person married to several spouses could have more than one wife, more than one husband, or both. The topic of polygamy is taboo, with many countries around the world enforcing moral or legal sanctions...
The offense of willfully and knowingly having more than one wife or husband at the same time. The offense of willfully and knowingly entering into asecondmarriage while validly married to another individual is bigamy. The Crime The law in every state prohibits a man or a woman from being mar...
Polygamymeanshavingmorethanonespouseatatime.ItcomesfromtwoGreek words,polys,meaningmany,andgamos,meaningmarriage.Inrealitytherearethree formsofpolygamy,polygyny,whereonemanismarriedtoseveralwives,polyandry whereonewomanhasseveralhusbands,andathirdform,whereseveralhusbandsare ...
[1]The term “polygyny” is preferred because polygamy means multiple spouse (one husband and multiple wives or one wife and multiple husbands) whereas polygyny only refers to marriage of one man to multiple women. [2]For more on this subject, see Murtaza Mutahhari, The Rights of Women in ...
2Wives.com is the original. The oldest. The most experienced. The only one trusted. Many wannabe-sites try to copy us, but they never succeed. All other wannabe-sites just don't understand real polygamy personals, the real community, or about what is really important to us. They are ...
Having more than one spouse is common even today in many parts of the developing world (Garenne 2004). While there are a few instances in which a woman has more than one spouse (polyandry), the vast majority of plural marriages involve a man acquiring two or more wives (polygyny or male...
the practice or state of having more than one spouse, esp. more than one wife, at a time. (Cf. monogamy.)She had her husband arrested for polygamy after she discovered that he had wives in two other states. polygamy词源中文解释
polygamy essaysPolygamy is the practice of a man taking more than one wife at the same time. Polyandry is when a woman takes more that one husband at the same time. Polyandry is rare compared to polygamy, because it is only known to be inexistence in tw
The term "polygyny" originates from the Greek words "poly" and "gynos," the latter meaning "woman" or "wife." Polyandry, on the other hand, involves the marriage of one woman to multiple husbands. The "-andros" of polyandry originated from the Greek word meaning "man." Polygyny ...
Many questions Unsurprisingly, the men who acquired lots of wives also produced more children. For each additional spouse, a man could expect about six more kids. Each wife in the relationship could expect to produce an average of one fewer child for every additional wife. When polygamy was ou...