6.AsO23-– Arsenate would be AsO43-and this has two fewer oxygen atoms. According to our rules, two less oxygens means we add the prefixhypo-and change the suffix to-ite, so this would be thehypoarsenite ion. 7.SeO32–– Selenate is SeO42-. The given ion has one less oxygen ato...
What is the formula for the ammonium ion? What are the rules for naming ionic compounds? What is the sum of all charges in the formula for an ionic compound? What is the electrical charge of an ionic compound? What is a binary ionic compound?
( S−2 ) Answer and Explanation:1 Part (a) (Au2SO4) Au+ S O 4 −2 A u + Learn more about this topic: Naming Ionic Compounds | Binary, Transition Metals & Polyatomic from Chapter 5/ Lesson 4 539K This lesson will discuss the rules of naming b...
Bohr, Lewis, Binary, Polyatomic 1 ChemicalBonding&WritingandNamingChemicalFormulasandCompounds 2 BondingandMolecules •Energylevels-whereelectronsarefoundintheelectroncloud•Valenceelectrons –outermostregionofelectroncloud–Maximumnumberis8,exceptatfirstlevelonlyholds2–Octetrule-atomsshareortransfertoformbonds...
What is the formula for the hydroxide ion? What are the rules for naming ionic compounds? What is the name for the compound CuBr2? What is the arrangement of atoms within a molecule called? What ions do acids have? What is the chemical formula for iron(III) sulfate?