Signs and Symptoms Symptoms of illness are generally mild, except otherwise complicated. The disease clinically presents with sore throat (with or without white patches/exudates), red throat (erythema), high fever,chills,runny nose(rhinorrhea), difficulty swallowing (dysphagia), painful swallowing (ody...
Two months after the administration of combined-modality therapy for stage IIIA non-small cell lung carcinoma, the signs and symptoms of polyarthritis and vasculitis had disappeared completely. Ten months later, the patient remains in clinical remission. This is the first published report of ...
3 Signs and symptoms are typically associated with cough, alterations in color of respiratory secretions, dyspnea, chest dyscomfort, fever or hypothermia and sweating. In addition, community acquired pneumonia might present with non-specific symptoms like fatigue, myalgia, anorexia, headache, as well ...
The aetiology of the arthritis was not determined, but no bacterial or mycoplasmal agent could be isolated from the synovial fluid obtained from one of the affected joints. Prednisolone, administered on a reducing dosage schedule, induced lasting remission of the clinical signs....
I should be more specific: immune-mediated polyarthritis was the vet’s most likely bet. We never did get a 100% sure diagnosis for him, but the symptoms for this particular ‘strain’ were there. Polyarthritis is when pain and inflammation in the form of arthritis attack multiple joints....
There was immediate and complete disappearance of all signs and symptoms of arthritis in the lower extremities.The patient was sent home, but returned in October, 1928, atdoi:10.1001/jama.1929.02710030015008LEONARD G. ROWNTREEALFRED W. ADSON
Objective : Intra-articular glucocorticoid (IAGC) injection treatment is an easy and effective way to treat the signs and symptoms of arthritis, but there is limited knowledge on the adequate dosing for different joints. The aim of this study was to compare the outcome between two common doses...
4. The hitherto inexplicable complexity of symptoms and signs flnds complete elucidation in terms of hremoconcentration, raised blood viscosity, diminished blood volume and tissue anoxia, together with ionic imbalance between extracellular and intracellular phases. ~. Diarrhrea and vomiting, by rapidly ...
This report has highlighted that Whipple disease can be associated with multiple symptoms and signs, which can result in a delay in diagnosis. However, once the diagnosis is confirmed, antibiotic treatment is effective.Aulakh, GaganLewis, Rebekah...
Background: Intra-articular glucocorticoid (IAGC) injection treatment is an easy and effective way to treat signs and symptoms of arthritis and it has been used for decades. Serious adverse reactions are rare, but IAGC therapy has impact on endocrine balances. There is limited knowledge of the ...