20°C. When ready to use, dilute one aliquot in 40 ml water to prepare 13 μg/ml working solution. Sterilize cov erslips by autoclav ing prior to coating. Dip cov erslips in the working solution, then inc ubate 15 min to sev eral hours in a humidif ied 37°C, 5% CO2 incubator...
Sterilize coverslips by autoclaving prior to coating. Dip coverslips in the working solution, then incubate 15 min to several hours in a humidified 37°C, 5% CO2 incubator. Allow surface to dry. To coat culture dishes or 8-well chamber slides: Prepare a stock solution by dissolving 100 mg ...
On the other side, PECNP of PLL/CS may be better suited for coating surfaces of scaffold material since its anti-adhesive effects and its anti-proliferative impact were much smaller compared to PECNP composed of PLL/HEP or PLL/DS. Depending on the specific requirements for nanoparticle ...
To explore a method for enhancing the immobilization and hybridization efficiency of oligonucleotides on DNA microarrays, conventional protocols of poly‐ ‐lysine coating were modified by means of surface chemistry, namely, the slides were prepared by the covalently coupling of poly‐ ‐lysine...
分析测试,百科网,SilaneandPolyLLysineCoatingofMicroscopeSlides, ) Wash slides in Decon solution for 30 minutes.2) Wash slides in running tap water for 30 minutes.3) Wash slides in distilled water for 2 x 5 minutes.4) Wash slides in 95% ethanol
Sterilize coverslips by autoclaving prior to coating. Dip coverslips in the working solution, then incubate 15 min to several hours in a humidified 37°C, 5% CO2 incubator. Allow surface to dry. To coat culture dishes or 8-well chamber slides: Prepare a stock solution by dissolving 100 mg ...
As can be seen from Figure 3A,B, the current value did not increase significantly compared with that of GCE after the PLL was modified on the electrode, which proves that the PLL had dispersion, coating, and adhesion effects on the composite material, and had no obvious improvement on the ...