poly-L-lysine-Prep Slides多聚赖氨酸防脱磨砂玻片(防脱片载玻片) PoLy-Ly-Sine多聚赖氨酸载玻片 Polylysine coated glass slides 多聚赖氨酸修饰PS、PMMA、基础载玻片 多聚赖氨酸修饰PS载玻片 多聚赖氨酸(poly-L-lysine)修饰生物芯片,基质PS 多聚赖氨酸修饰PMMA载玻片 生物芯片表面修饰多聚赖氨酸,基质PMMA...
多聚赖氨酸(P-L-L)功能化修饰载玻片 多聚赖氨酸(P-L-L)功能化生物芯片 Poly-L-Lysine玻片 多聚赖氨酸包被载玻片poly-L-lysine coated slides poly-L-lysine-Prep Slides多聚赖氨酸防脱磨砂玻片(防脱片载玻片)PoLy-Ly-Sine多聚赖氨酸载玻片 Polylysine coated glass slides 多聚赖氨酸修饰PS、PMMA、基...
Polylysine coated glass slides 多聚赖氨酸修饰PS、PMMA、基础载玻片 多聚赖氨酸修饰PS载玻片 多聚赖氨酸(poly-L-lysine)修饰生物芯片,基质PS 多聚赖氨酸修饰PMMA载玻片 生物芯片表面修饰多聚赖氨酸,基质PMMA Poly-Ly-Sine Microscope Slide 我们的合作快递公司有顺丰、圆通、申通、韵达。
Polylysine coated glass slides 醛基功能化修饰的载玻片;Aldehyde Functional Glass Slides 醛基,氨基,羧基,环氧基,多聚赖氨酸,peg,肝素修饰PS、PMMA、基础载玻片 Polystyrene Functional slide 醛基功能化基础载玻片Aldehyde Functional Glass Slides 氨基修饰载玻片Amino Functional Glass Slides 羧基修饰载玻片Glass slid...
poly-L-lysine-Prep Slides多聚赖氨酸防脱磨砂玻片(防脱片载玻片) PoLy-Ly-Sine多聚赖氨酸载玻片 Polylysine coated glass slides 多聚赖氨酸修饰PS、PMMA、基础载玻片 多聚赖氨酸修饰PS载玻片 多聚赖氨酸(poly-L-lysine)修饰生物芯片,基质PS 多聚赖氨酸修饰PMMA载玻片 ...
Coverslips, streptavidin coated Coverslips, Protein A coated Coverslips, maleimide functional Coverslips, OPSS functional Gold Coated Glass Slides;镀金玻璃载玻片 磷酸-peg-甘露糖 磷酸-peg-葡萄糖 磷酸-peg- 乳糖基 磷酸-peg-黄原胶 磷酸-peg-岩藻多糖 磷酸-peg-木聚糖 磷酸-peg-纤维二糖 磷酸-peg-香菇多糖...
Preparation of Poly-L-Lysine glass chip base for biochip and factors affecting activation for glass slides; 生物芯片多聚-L-赖氨酸玻璃片基的制备及各种因素对片基活化性能的影响 3. Methods: Sprague-Damley rats were subjected to 2 h temporary MCA occlusion (MACO) withpoly-L-lysinecoated suture (0...
enhancing the immobilization and hybridization efficiency of oligonucleotides on DNA microarrays, conventional protocols of poly‐ ‐lysine coating were modified by means of surface chemistry, namely, the slides were prepared by the covalently coupling of poly‐ ‐lysine to a glycidoxy‐modifie...
Poly-L-lysine-coated borosilicate glass slides were used for the seeding of viral vector-transduced cells. Uses Recommended as a cell culture substratum when using 0.5 ml of a 0.1 mg/ml solution to coat 25 cm2. Optimal conditions for attachment must be determined for each cell line and appli...
Airway epithelial cells in primary culture were seeded at 1.2 × 105 on 25-mm collagen-coated glass coverslips and grown 48 h in SAGM medium prior to transfection. CF/T43 cells were seeded at 1.2 × 05 on 25-mm glass coverslips and grown for 24 h in KGM medium (Clonetics) prior to ...