After enabling the add-on,add a new Asset Libraryin your preferences calledPoly Haven. This is where assets will be downloaded to. Open the asset browser editor and select the Poly Haven library at the top left. Click theFetch Assetsbutton in the header of the asset browser. ... blender_assets.cats.txt screenshot.jpg Repository files navigation README GPL-3.0 license Poly Haven Assets Add-on A Blender add-on to integrate our assets natively in the asset browser. Features Downloads all assets from Poly Ha...
First double check that this add-on is enabled, you've created a new asset library called exactly Poly Haven (not PolyHaven, Poly Heaven, or something else). You can double click on the name to change it: Then, select the library from the dropdown menu at the top left of the asset...
"" ) paragraph( ( "You might have downloaded this add-on for free, but Poly Haven needs funds to continue " @@ -90,3 +92,5 @@ def draw(self, context): col, ) col.separator() addon_updater_ops.update_notice_box_ui(self, context) 0 com...