聚合氯化铝(Polyaluminum chloride,简称PAC)是一种无机物 #圣和化工厂家#聚合氯化铝(Polyaluminum chloride,简称PAC)是一种无机物,也是一种新兴的高效净水材料和无机高分子混凝剂。以下是对聚合氯化铝的详细介绍:一、基本性质 化学式:[Al2(OH)nCl6-n]m,其中m代表聚合程度,n表示PAC产品的中性程度。外观...
polyaluminum-chloride 高纯聚合氯化铝 Polyaluminum chloride is one kind of inorganic high-molecular compound, isachromatic color or yellow resin shape solid, easy deliquescence;高纯聚合氯化铝是一种无机高分子化合物,为无色或黄色的树脂状固体,易潮解;很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问...
Uses Polyaluminum chloride has the advantages of high adsorption activity, wide range of pH value, no need for coagulation aids and no influence of water temperature, etc. It is widely used in water purification treatment of domestic water, industrial water, etc. Preparation In the mixed solution...
Aluminum chlorohydroxide;Aluminum hydroxide chloride;Aquarhone 18;Astringen;Astringen 10;Banoltan White;Basic aluminum chloride;Basic aluminum chloride, hydrate;Berukotan AC-P;Cartafix LA;Cawood 5025;Chlorhydrol;Chlorhydrol Micro-Dry;Chlorhydrol Micro-Dry SUF;Dialuminium-chlorid-pentahydroxid;E 200;...
The water treatment inorganic series polymer agglomerate poly aluminum silicic chloride (I, a = 0 - 2.5; b = 0.5 - 3.0; c = 0 - 0.15; 2.0 < x 4.0; d > 4) was manufactured by reaction of aluminum chloride solution being obtained by reaction of aluminum hydroxide and hydrochloric acid ...
polyaluminum chloride 【化】 聚氯化铝相关短语 anodized surface of aluminium (俗称氧化铝面) 电极氧化铝面 Winkler reagent (氯化亚铜氯化铵氢氧化铵水溶液) 温克勒氏试剂 granitic layer (硅铝层) 花岗岩层 tin liquor (氯化亚锡溶液) 锡液 syalon (含钇的硅铝氧氮陶瓷) 赛纶陶瓷 microaggregate (聚集体) 小...
Poly Aluminum Chloride 30% Basic 70 PAC Water Treatment Chemical, Find Details and Price about PAC Polyaluminum Chloride from Poly Aluminum Chloride 30% Basic 70 PAC Water Treatment Chemical - Aqua Chem Industry Co., Limited
polyaluminum chloride 【化】 聚氯化铝相关短语 anodized surface of aluminium (俗称氧化铝面) 电极氧化铝面 Winkler reagent (氯化亚铜氯化铵氢氧化铵水溶液) 温克勒氏试剂 granitic layer (硅铝层) 花岗岩层 tin liquor (氯化亚锡溶液) 锡液 syalon (含钇的硅铝氧氮陶瓷) 赛纶陶瓷 microaggregate (聚集体) 小...
网络聚合氯化铝 网络释义 1. 聚合氯化铝 ...该平台采油污水的经济、有效的水处理剂,其中混凝剂为聚合氯化铝(poly-aluminumchloride),最佳加药量为30mg/L,助凝剂 … d.wanfangdata.com.cn|基于 1 个网页
PAC Industry Grade Sewage Treatment Raw Materials Polyaluminum Chloride, Find Details and Price about Polyaluminium Chloride Industry Grade Water Purification Agent from PAC Industry Grade Sewage Treatment Raw Materials Polyaluminum Chloride - FONDLAND C