The present research work also deals with the facts and methods to handle the high air pollution rate in Delhi/NCR caused by stubble burning and analysis the effect on the environment by the call of Honorable Prime Minister of India Shri Narender Modi Ji for the illusion of candles as a ...
The study used retrospective time-series data of air quality and of naturally-occurring deaths recorded in Delhi to identify changes in the daily all-natural-cause mortality rate that could be attributed to changes in air quality. The 3-year study period included the years 2002 through 2004. ...
The city is sprawling, and a lack of effective public transportation has fueled an explosion in car ownership. The city has 9 million vehicles, and new cars are being registered at a rate of 1,400 per day. India's fuel standards are roughly 10 years behind those of Europe, and low petr...
Experimental Implementation of Odd-Even Scheme for Air Pollution Control in Delhi, India Delhi, the Capital of India, is having worst air pollution due to rapid rate of urbanization, construction activities, increasing population, and increasing number of vehicles. Number of measures implemented by De...
Air pollution is a pressing environmental concern in urban areas, especially in densely populated cities like Delhi, India. However, plant species can effe
The heating rate induced by light absorbing aerosols into an atmospheric layer during SAPE was also very high (3.1 +/- 0.7 K/day). These findings will help in understanding air quality and climate effects, as well as in formulating policies to mitigate these complex pollution episodes in an ...
Such changes could be attributed to the decrease in automobile usage. At the beginning of the pandemic, the high fatality rate of SARS-CoV-2 Alpha increased the usage of remote offices and then further decreased automobile emission59. Besides, although experienced the other two outbreaks of SARS...
Keywords:NewDelhi;Airpollution;SingularSpectrumAnalysis;CompressedNaturalGas;Alternativefuels 1.Introduction Delhi,India’sthirdlargestcityanditscapital,is highlypolluted.Delhihasupwardsof14million inhabitantswithapopulationgrowthrateof3.8% perannum.Inrecentyearsper-capitaincomein ...
To monitor atmospheric pollutants at each site, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) operates a total suspended particle (TSP < 100 µm) auto sampler, loaded with a quartz fibre filter (Φ90 mm), running at a flow rate of 100 L/min (LPM) for 24–48 h every six days. During...
Fish ingestion or consumption rate for adult residents in Bangladesh had been considered as 0.07184 kg, 0.08716 kg and 0.1274 kg fresh weight basis for low, medium and high fish consumers. The online database of the Joint FAO/WHO expert panel on food additives unmatched the EDI with the ...