L. “The Pollution Prevention Act of 1990: A Policy Whose Time Has Come or Symbolic Legislation?”, Environmental Management vol.22, no.2 (1998), 213–224.Burnett M. The Pollution Prevention Act of 1990: a policy whose time has come or symbolic legislation? Environmental Management 1998; ...
【美国】船舶污染防治法令 ACT TO PREVENT POLLUTION FROM SHIPS 热度: 【美国】防止破产滥用和保护消费者法令 Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act 热度: Youarehere:EPAHomeChemicalSafety&PollutionPreventionPollutionPrevention& ToxicsPollutionPreventionBasicInformationPollutionPreventionActof1990 ...
【美国】防止环境污染法令PollutionPreventionActof1990.pdf,Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 | Pollution Prevention | EPA 页码,1/8 /oppt/p2home/pubs/p2policy/act1990.htm Last updated on 2011年6月16日 Pollution Prevention (P2) You are here: EPA Home Chemica
The Pollution Prevention Act of 1990: A Policy Whose Time Has Come or Symbolic Legislation? In 1990, the United States officially entered the era of pollution prevention with passage of the Pollution Prevention Act. This paper analyzes EPA's imple... ML Burnett - 《Environmental Management》 被...
While the logic of pollution prevention appears to be self-evident, action on promoting such activities has been slow to develop. Since the passage of the National Environmental Policy Act in 1969, legislative actions in the USA have targeted the control of releases of pollutants of various kinds...
The Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 established as national policy the following waste management hierarchy: 1. Prevention. The waste management priority is to prevent or reduce pollution at the source whenever feasible. 2. Recycling. Where pollution cannot be prevented, it should be recycled in an...
What is the purpose of the Pollution Prevention Control Act of 1990?───什么是1990年的污染预防控制法案的目的? Xiechang is determined to provide the atmospheric pollution prevention industry with best quality products and services.───协昌,立志于为大气污染与防治行业提供最优质的产品与服务. The ...
What is the purpose of OPA 90? OPA 90 consolidated existing federal legislation such as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, Deep Water Port Act and others in order to more thoroughly address pollution prevention, government oversight, response and compensation. It set new requirements for ...
TheExxon Valdezoil spill disaster of 1989, including photographs of dead and oiled wildlife, captivated the American public. The call for action culminated in the passage of the Oil Pollution Act (OPA) unanimously by congress and signed by President George H.W. Bush on Aug. 18, 1990. ...
The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90) fundamentally changed how the United States prevents and responds to oil spills. The legislation addressed many critical areas: Liability and damages in the event of a spill Required vessels carrying oil to establish spill prevention and response plans...