on the river chemistry, as well as the risk associated therein. Analysis was performed with the use of GenStat Release 9.2. Conclusion was drawn at P ≤ 0.05 level of significance. Afterwards, a comparison of the results obtained from the field with the permissible environmental standards f...
Atmospheric Hg concentrations (GEM) followed our predictions, with high values adjacent to ASGM activity—particularly near the towns where Hg–gold amalgams are burned—and low values in areas distant from active mining (Fig.2B). At remote locations, GEM concentrations were below the global southe...
摘要:A level IV fugacity model was used to simulate the dynamic changes of gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH) concentrations in environmental media in Tianjin, China. A similar model (level 111) was previously used and validated under steady state conditions; this paper explores its dynamic be...
TROPOMI is a multispectral imaging spectrometer which has ultraviolet and visible spectral (UV–Vis—270–500 nm), near infrared (675–775 nm) and infrared (2305–2385 nm) bands (Fig. 4). It was launched in October 2017 by the European Space Agency (ESA) to monitor ground-level pollutants...
503 bile samples from 91 species of fish were all between trophic level three and five and demonstrated a very weak positive relationship with PAHs. This infers bile is a stronger indicator of recent exposure and biotransformation rates, whereas tissue concentrations of PAHs are a better indicator ...
measured ground-level air po llutants,w here and how th ey are f orm ed ,and th e po ssible eff ects on health , ecosystems and materials [1].Most AQMSs utilize three types of monitoring sites:(1) background sites to Corresponding author:Patiwat Linidej,Ph. D.candidate, m ain...
The procedure re-introduces the local character in the concentration level. The general idea of the re-trending is presented in Figure 14. Although not presented in this figure, a re-scaling of the Kriging map is also applied in order to restore the scaling transformation as presented in Eq....
elevations砌gingfrom50to150mabovesealevel.Thereis ahuIIlidsubtropicalclimatewithaIlavem霉reannual temDemtureof16.8℃andameanannualminf址lof1332 mm,mostlvconcentratedf而m】ⅥaI_chtoAuP阻st. 1.2 Soil鼢mpling aIld pr∞e蟠ing Thesoilsamplesisc011ectedateightsamplebelts(S1, S2,S3,s4,S5,S6,S7aIld ...
They were shortlisted based on their capacity to address the issues they are meant to tackle and their level of adoption. Table 1 The technologies presented in this report Full size table This study has four key sections: Policy measures to reduce volumes of plastics or to promote recycling ...
population and emission factors, while the emissions at high-resolution model grids can be derived on the basis of a digital road map and weighting factors of kilometers traveled and road types9. The lumped speciated NMVOC emissions were derived for each source sector by allocating the total ...