India's rivers are essential for providing fresh water for human sustenance, but their water quality has deteriorated due to pollution from industrial waste, domestic sewage, agricultural runoff, and more. Parameters such as physical, chemical, biological, and intended use criteria are used to ...
NEW DELHI, Jan. 14 (Xinhua) -- The Indian government released a five-year plan to reduce the air pollution in the 102 worst-affected cities in the country by 20-30 percent by 2024. The air pollution level in the Indian capital of New Delhi became severe, officials said on Sunday. The...
Doctors and health expertswarn ofthe risks of breathing in thesepollutants. "Patients complain of aburning sensationin their eyes and throat when they step outside. Some face difficulty in breathing," says Dr Rajesh Gupta, director of thepulmonarydepartment at Fortis Hospital in Greater Noida in ...
A thick layer of toxic smog is cloaking India’s capital and New Delhi’s air quality index plunged into the “severe” category, according to SAFAR.
NEW DELHI, Jan. 14 (Xinhua) -- The Indian government released a five-year plan to reduce the air pollution in the 102 worst-affected cities in the country by 20-30 percent by 2024. The air pollution level in the Indian capital of New Delhi became severe, officials said on Sunday. The...
Delhi-based firm Morphogenesis has recently unveiled a proposal for a project that will rehabilitate and develop the ghats (a flight of steps leading down to a river) and crematoriums along a 210-kilometer stretch of the Ganges, India’s longest river. The project, titled “A River in Need...
Plastic waste in the U.S. Global plastic waste Greenhouse gas emissions worldwide Environmental pollution in India Environmental pollution in the U.S. Transportation emissions worldwide Environmental impacts of the food industry Contact Get in touch with us. We are happy to help. Clicking...
How successful has India been in implementing emission norms for thermal power plants? Limited Progress: As of late 2024, only about 22 GW of thermal capacity had installed FGDs, which is less than 8% of the total coal-fired power generation capacity in India. The overall progress has been ...
After a phase of rapid industrial growth, Italy took a long time before it began to come to terms with the effects caused by such a surge in industrial activity. Air pollution, however, remains a problem especially in the north where a lot of heavy industries are situated. During the 1990s...
“It is a silver lining in terms of this awful crisis that we can step outside and breathe.” Lowest traffic pollution Even before the national lockdown started on March 25, the phased shutdowns in India were having an impact. During the first three weeks of March, the average nitro...