polling-time命令用来配置向微信服务器查询门店信息的周期。 undo polling-time命令用来恢复向微信服务器查询门店信息的周期为缺省值。 缺省情况下,向微信服务器查询门店信息的周期为3600秒。 命令格式 polling-time time undo polling-time 参数说明 参数 参数说明 取值 time 指定向微信服务器查询门店信息的周期...
网络轮询时间 网络释义 1. 轮询时间 命令轮询时间 每个命令现在可以设置一个“轮询时间(Polling Time)”参数来有效的控制命令执行频率。其计时器的分辨 率是 1 … wenku.baidu.com|基于5个网页
After you run thewechat-server-ip(Central AP)command successfully to configure WeChat server information on the device, the device will obtain shop information from the WeChat server at intervals. You can run thepolling-timecommand to change the interval. ...
设置空间管理 页面 Snom Service Hub … D-Series Settings 跳到banner的尾部 回到标题开始 D-SERIES Web User Interface Advanced - Update(Section): Polling Time Phone User Interface N/A Starting Firmware XML Configuration <prov_polling_time perm="PERMISSIONFLAGS">VALIDVALUE</prov_polling_time...
… D-Series Settings 跳到banner的尾部 回到标题开始 D-SERIES Web User Interface Advanced - Update(Section): Polling Time Random End Phone User Interface N/A Starting Firmware XML Configuration <prov_polling_time_rand_end perm="PERMISSIONFLAGS">VALIDVALUE</prov_polling_time_rand_end> ...
transmitting system by speedily performing time-out detection when a remote station is abnormal in the polling time-out detecting method for sequencer remote I/O transmitter in a system to simultaneously transmit the output data of respective remote stations corresponding to polling at a master ...
Am I correct: does the PN7150 have a timeout where it will turn off the NFC field if a tag does not respond within a certain time period? Is the PN7150 periodically sending a polling ping? Is there a way to increase this timeout? It's causing problems ...
Am I correct: does the PN7150 have a timeout where it will turn off the NFC field if a tag does not respond within a certain time period? Is the PN7150 periodically sending a polling ping? Is there a way to increase this timeout? It's causing problems for us when the...
Polling M func polling(systemCode: Data, requestCode: NFCFeliCaPollingRequestCode, timeSlot: NFCFeliCaPollingTimeSlot, completionHandler: (Data, Data, (any Error)?) -> Void) T PollingRequestCodeDeprecated T PollingTimeSlotDeprecated Maximum Slots P static var PollingTimeSlotMax1: NFCFeliCaPollingTime...
LongPollingOptions.PollTimeout 屬性 參考 意見反應 定義 命名空間: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Connections 組件: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Connections.dll 套件: Microsoft.AspNetCore.App.Ref v8.0.0 取得或設定輪詢逾時。 C# 複製 public TimeSpan PollTimeout { get; set; } 屬性值 TimeSpan...