9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook pollen sac Encyclopedia Wikipedia n. One of the chambers of an anther or a male cone in which pollen is produced; the microsporangium of a seed plant. ...
The grains of pollen are often located in pollen sacs on the ends of the stamen (the male parts of the flower), which typically surround the carpel (the female parts of the flower). The stamen generally come in two sections: the two-lobed anther, which house the pollen sacks, and the...
Even though weed is one of the most widely used psychoactive substances in the world, little is known about the effects of smoking cannabis on a person’s lung health, researchers noted. Tons of research has linked cigarette smoking to lung cancer, emphysema and COPD, but “currently not much...
Reports on a case of pollen transfer on birds' tongues involving the flowers of Microloma sagittatum, a member of the milkweed family, and sunbirds. First evidence for pollen transfer on the tongues of birds; Features of the Microloma sagittatum flowers which prevent insects from carrying out...
sseellffeedd——sshhoowweeddtthhaatt((xi) the within- and between-tree variances attaching to ovule Ccoouunnttss iinn incompatible selfings and crosses were always similar in magnitude; (2) the actual frreeqquueennccyyddiissttrriibbuuttiioonnooffccoonntitninggeennccyy-x-22 vvaalluueess ...
It is also an excellent gene pool in modern rice breeding because it possesses various outstanding traits, including resistance to bacterial blight disease, weed suppression effects, rhizomes, high biomass production on poor soils and high nitrogen use efficiency (Song and Ronald, 1995; Rodenburg and...
sacs in the F1hybrids were defective during the functional megaspore formation stage. Most notably, nearly half of the male or female gametes were aborted in heterozygotesS40iS40l, regardless of their genotypes. Thus,S40was indicated as a one-locus sporophytic sterility gene controlling both male...
The SIN includes the following: (i) an industrial area, largely responsible for local pollution; (ii) the Mantuan Lakes; and (iii) two special areas of conservation (SACs), which are included in the Natura 2000 network [5], namely the “Riserva Regionale della Vallazza” (Natura 2000 ...
General agronomic practices such as weed control and irrigation were carried out ad libitum and no insecticide was applied. 2.2. Insect Sampling We sampled for specific pollinators (honey bees, bumble bees, and sweat bees) that were observed and documented on industrial hemp (Figure 1), using ...