The ornamentation of exine is spinulose with tuberculae, verrueae, granules or rugulae on pollen surface under SEM. The exine is composed of three indistinct layers, e.g. tectum, columellae and foot layer, but the columellae are only slightly developed. Some characters, such as the size ...
38. The following measurements made under the microscope are the maximum in 100 randomly selected cells: the length and width of the trophocytes for each segment, diameter of the oenocyte nuclei for all segments except tergite 3, because honey bee workers do not have oenocytes in this ...
In grass and ragweed pollens, cytoplasmic contents such as allergen-containing starch granules may be rapidly discharged through the germination pore. However, in tree pollens (e.g., birch), the expulsion of granules arises through the rupturing of the tips of emerging, abortive pollen tube ...
The ornamentation of exine is spinulose with tuberculae, verrueae, granules or rugulae on pollen surface under SEM. The exine is composed of three indistinct layers, e.g. tectum, columellae and foot layer, but the columellae are only slightly developed. Some characters, such as the size ...
Defatting: Natural pollen grains or bee pollen granules were defatted to remove pollenkitt. For this purpose, bee pollen granules (250 g) were refluxed in acetone (500 mL) for 3 h in a round-bottom flask under magnetic stirring (50 °C, 220 rpm). Then, acetone was decanted...
Ornamenting elements are microechini, granules, and perforations, all sometimes placed on verrucae. Keywords: Carex, Cyperaceae, Vinca, Apocynaceae, pollen, aperture, intine, tapetum, cell wall ingrowths In Cyperaceae, only a single row of meiotic tetrads border the tapetal tissue (Carniel, ...
The intermediate spaces appear as p l c t a in an ordinary light-microscope. Under the thin lirac the Indcrlying bacula become apparent (cf. Genfinna ofophora, P1. s: 1; $. fsarongensis. PI. 7: 1). In cross-sections of the sesine the 1)acula hppenr capitate or lobed (...
However, the term “cytoplasm” was secondarily associated with GO terms secretory granules, extracellular space, Golgi intermediate, membrane bound vesicles, mitochondrion, nucleus, and protein complexes, among others. Independent analysis using TargetP1.1 [33] showed that over 94 % of the SP-...
applied to a microscope slide, covered with Calberla’s fluid (recipe in Supplemental Materials), melted on a hotplate, and sealed with clear nail polish. For each slide a random subsample of 100 pollen grains was counted under a compound light microscope and identified to the lowest possible...
Granules of opercula almost the same size and height as spinules. Sclerclritliiis annuns X perennis (AIalmo 1935; H. Fries). P1. 18: 1. - The electron micrograph shows part of a grain intermediate in characters between the grains of the parental species. Scleranthiw perennis (SmBland...