Pollen Pal gives you pollen count levels and weather forecasts in your area, so you can be prepared to take on the outdoors — even with a few allergy symptoms!Sign upto get personalized alerts when pollen levels are at their worst so you can still make the most of your day and the day...
Pollen Forecast & Allergy App Alk-Abello AS Designed for iPhone 4.6 • 668 Ratings Free iPhone ScreenshotsDescription Stay ahead of your hay fever with klarify. Use the klarify pollen and allergy app to log how you feel every day and track how your pollen allergy affects you over time. ...
Breakthroughs in technology have resulted in mobile apps becoming available, offering concentrations of allergenic pollen, and relating an individual's health condition to a pollen forecast (Pasyfo, Pollen, Me´te´o Pollen,) or real-time pollen data (Tesendic et al., 2020). Along with the...
Breakthroughs in technology have resulted in mobile apps becoming available, offering concentrations of allergenic pollen, and relating an individual's health condition to a pollen forecast (Pasyfo, Pollen, Me´te´o Pollen,) or real-time pollen data (Tesendic et al., 2020). Along with the...