下面是设置poll_frequency的代码示例: # 设置poll_frequency的值为1秒driver.implicitly_wait(1) 1. 2. 4. 使用WebDriver对象进行其他操作 现在,我们已经设置好了poll_frequency的值,可以开始使用WebDriver对象进行其他操作了。根据具体的需求,我们可以使用WebDriver对象的方法来执行各种操作,例如打开网页、查找元素、点击...
你提供的代码片段return webdriverwait(self.driver, timeout=timeout, poll_frequency=poll).unti不完整且存在语法错误。正确的代码应该是使用WebDriverWait类并调用until或until_not方法。这里是一个修正后的代码示例: python from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait from selenium.webdriver.support impo...
The IOCTL_HID_SET_POLL_FREQUENCY_MSEC request sets the polling frequency, in milliseconds, for atop-level collection. User-mode applications or kernel-mode drivers that perform irregular, opportunistic reads on a polled device must furnish a polling interval of zero. In such cases, IOC...
Ashoka, Mk
方法名:setResourcePollFrequency IResourceSettings.setResourcePollFrequency介绍 [英]Sets the resource polling frequency. This is the duration of time between checks of resource modification times. If a resource, such as an HTML file, has changed, it will be reloaded. Default is for no resource pol...
方法名:getResourcePollFrequency ResourceSettings.getResourcePollFrequency介绍 暂无 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: apache/wicket @Override public IModificationWatcher getResourceWatcher(boolean start) { if (resourceWatcher == null && start) { synchronized (this) { if (resourceWatcher == null) { final ...
aNote: You can set the frequency in which individual i.LON Vision objects poll their specified data points by setting the Max Age property in the object’s respective properties dialog. 注: 您能设置单独i.LON视觉通过设置最大年龄物产在对象的各自物产对话反对民意测验他们指定的数据点的频率。 [...
Dual-frequency circularly pollarised annular-ring microstrip antennaRow, J SS. Row,"Dual-frequency circularly pollarised annular-ring microstrip antenna," Electronics Letters,vol. 40,no. 3,pp. 153-154,2004.
The article presents the results of the readers poll conducted by "Cranes Today" on how often there should be an international trade show in Great Britain. It states that the biggest vote was for reducing in the frequency of trade shows, with more than 35% of respondents stating that there...
However, most of them agreed that high frequency trading could bring additional liquidity and could facilitate trading transactions as the industry has become more competitive.EBSCO_bspBanking Technology