MPIDI_OFI_handle_cq_error(1042): OFI poll failed (ofi_events.c:1042:MPIDI_OFI_handle_cq_error:Transport endpoint is not connected) My mpirun version: Intel(R) MPI Library for Linux* OS, Version 2021.1 Build 20201112 (id: b9c9d2fc5) ...
MPIDI_OFI_handle_cq_error(1042): OFI poll failed (ofi_events.c:1042:MPIDI_OFI_handle_cq_error:Transport endpoint is not connected) My mpirun version: Intel(R) MPI Library for Linux* OS, Version 2021.1 Build 20201112 (id: b9c9d2fc5)Copyright 2003-2020, Intel ...
ibv_poll_cq()从完成队列(CQ)轮询WC(工作完成),非阻塞函数。 [工作完成] 表示 WQ(工作队列)中的WR(工作请求) 以及与CQ相关联的所有已发布到该工作队列的未发出信号的WR(工作请求)均已完成。 (A Work Completion indicates that a Work Request in a Work Queue, and all of the outstanding unsignaled Wo...
ibv_poll_cq()从完成队列(CQ)轮询WC(工作完成),非阻塞函数。 [工作完成] 表示 WQ(工作队列)中的WR(工作请求) 以及与CQ相关联的所有已发布到该工作队列的未发出信号的WR(工作请求)均已完成。 (A Work Completion indicates that a Work Request in a Work Queue, and all of the outstanding unsignaled Wo...
structibv_wc wc;intnum_comp;do{num_comp=ibv_poll_cq(cq,1,&wc);}while(num_comp==0);if(num_comp<0){fprintf(stderr,"ibv_poll_cq() failed\n");return-1;}/* verify the completion status */if(wc.status!=IBV_WC_SUCCESS){fprintf(stderr,"Failed status %s (%d) for wr_id %d\n"...
poll_queue_procqproc; unsigned long key; } poll_table; fop->poll()函数的poll_table参数是从哪里传进来的?好生阅读过代码就可以发现,do_select()函数中存在一个结构体struct poll_wqueues,其内嵌了一个poll_table的结构体,所以在后面的大循环中依次调用各个fd的fop->poll()传递的poll_table参数都是poll_...
ERROR("Failed to poll CQ.\n");return1; } }while(!user_param->use_event && (rc ==0));/// need timeoutreturn0; } 开发者ID:li-ch,项目名称:rdma-examples,代码行数:46,代码来源:rdma_thread.c 示例4: rdma_poll_cq ▲点赞 1▼ ...
* failed. */ io_tw_lock(ctx, ts); hash_del(&req->hash_node); req->flags &= ~REQ_F_HASH_LOCKED; } else { io_poll_req_delete(req, ctx); } } static void io_init_poll_iocb(struct io_poll *poll, __poll_t events) ...
#241 may be related A consistent "xhr poll error" seems to be caused by hanging connections. The condition is typically caused when manager calls onclose() and interrupts a pending xhr request. The error does typically never occur as lon...
\n", current)); return 0; epanic: panic("eventpoll_init() failed\n"); } 很有趣,这个module在初始化时注册了一个新的文件系统,叫"eventpollfs"(在eventpoll_fs_type结构里),然后挂载此文件系统。另外创建两个内核cache(在内核编程中,如果需要频繁分配小块内存,应该创建kmem_cahe来做“内存池”),...