Polk County Sheriffs Regional Detention Center 2025 Rankings Polk County Sheriffs Regional Detention Center is unranked in Florida Middle Schools. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation, and how well they prepare their students for high school. Read more about how...
Public transit in Polk County is provided by the Lakeland Area Mass Transit District, operating as Citrus Connection, which includes all public transportation within the county, including Winter Haven Area Transit, rural routes servicing Bartow, Ft. Meade and Frostproof, as well as all paratransit...
Florida DUI chemical tests are often the most powerful piece of evidence the prosecution in your case will present to the court. Drawing your blood or taking a sample of your urine, when done correctly, provide the most accurate BAC reading. Of course, there are always opportunities for the ...
TheSchoolBoardofPolkCounty,Florida,prohibitsanyandallformsofdiscriminationandharassmentbased onrace,color,sex,religion,nationalorigin,maritalstatus,age,homelessness,ordisabilityorotherbasis prohibitedbylawinanyofitsprograms,services,activitiesoremployment.Tofileconcerns,youmaycontact ...